In my comments to the folks attending the National Association of REALTORS(r) Midyear Conference last Friday, I tried to elevate thinking about strategic planning. I wanted to get beyond the usual recitations of the cookbook techniques (or to my credit, I think) a pitch for my services. My aim was to shed light on some of the more nuanced benefits that come from planning.
The first “unexpected outcome” I talked about was the impact the planning process has on the continuity and consistency of leadership. This issue is of particularly relevance to associations, most of which have a unique governance structure not found in business or government. The leadership of associations is generally based on a partnership between an elected President who, as a member, volunteers to serve and a professional association executive who is hired to manage.
It is most common for the elected leadership to change annually, although most REALTOR® associations ask a three year commitment as the elected leader “works through the chairs", first vice president, president-elect to president. Associations execs (AEs or EOs) continue in their roles as long as the association board allows.
There is a kind of majesty and lunacy to this model. Elected leadership changes frequently, guaranteeing fresh ideas and a sense of urgency to the roles… strong associations are good examples of representative democracy. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the constant turn-over in leadership can results in a series of disconnected and unrelated presidential initiatives… at worst, flights of ego-driven fancy reminiscent of Roman emperors.
In most cases what presidents want to achieve in their year of leadership is consistent with what the association is trying to accomplish in the long run. But more often than I would like, well-intentioned presidential goals distract from the strategic plan or, occasionally, actually subvert the association’s long term goals.
AEs walk a narrow tightrope trying to strike just the right balance between honoring this year’s presidential passion with the on-going strategic initiatives. A well done strategic planning process can do much to generate consistency and continuity in the tumultuous world of association governance.
The idea is pretty simple: use the plan to channel presidential interest. If the plan focuses on a sustained effort to involve new members, wed the incoming President’s interest in education to an objective to start a new or revised member orientation program. Plan focuses on cutting costs? Tap the new President’s passion for the affiliate members to look at ways to develop strategic financial alliances. If the plan focuses on improving the profession’s public image, use the President’s interest in getting a foundation started is a perfect way to link those two ideas.
Done correctly, annual Presidential initiatives flow into and reinforce the association’s three year plan. Even better, leadership teams have an ability to support and advance each others annual agenda long after a President is out of office.
The first “unexpected outcome” I talked about was the impact the planning process has on the continuity and consistency of leadership. This issue is of particularly relevance to associations, most of which have a unique governance structure not found in business or government. The leadership of associations is generally based on a partnership between an elected President who, as a member, volunteers to serve and a professional association executive who is hired to manage.
It is most common for the elected leadership to change annually, although most REALTOR® associations ask a three year commitment as the elected leader “works through the chairs", first vice president, president-elect to president. Associations execs (AEs or EOs) continue in their roles as long as the association board allows.
There is a kind of majesty and lunacy to this model. Elected leadership changes frequently, guaranteeing fresh ideas and a sense of urgency to the roles… strong associations are good examples of representative democracy. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the constant turn-over in leadership can results in a series of disconnected and unrelated presidential initiatives… at worst, flights of ego-driven fancy reminiscent of Roman emperors.
In most cases what presidents want to achieve in their year of leadership is consistent with what the association is trying to accomplish in the long run. But more often than I would like, well-intentioned presidential goals distract from the strategic plan or, occasionally, actually subvert the association’s long term goals.
AEs walk a narrow tightrope trying to strike just the right balance between honoring this year’s presidential passion with the on-going strategic initiatives. A well done strategic planning process can do much to generate consistency and continuity in the tumultuous world of association governance.
The idea is pretty simple: use the plan to channel presidential interest. If the plan focuses on a sustained effort to involve new members, wed the incoming President’s interest in education to an objective to start a new or revised member orientation program. Plan focuses on cutting costs? Tap the new President’s passion for the affiliate members to look at ways to develop strategic financial alliances. If the plan focuses on improving the profession’s public image, use the President’s interest in getting a foundation started is a perfect way to link those two ideas.
Done correctly, annual Presidential initiatives flow into and reinforce the association’s three year plan. Even better, leadership teams have an ability to support and advance each others annual agenda long after a President is out of office.
If the association is organized along a set of progressive chairs – usually First VP, President-Elect, President and Past President – it is possible to create a span of seven years. It works like this: assume the current President started as First VP in 2006. In the system I describe in 2006 she would have been introduced to the initiative promoted by the Past President three years earlier in 2003. By the time she becomes Past President in 2010, she’ll get to know the 2010 First VP who will pursue his Presidential agenda in 2012. Sorry for the numbing numbers, but add it up… there is a direct link between 2003 and 2102.
The key here is to honor both the passion of the association President with the focus of the association plan. It can be done with results that reinforce and supplement the strategic plan.
The key here is to honor both the passion of the association President with the focus of the association plan. It can be done with results that reinforce and supplement the strategic plan.
To see the Powerpoint presentation I used at NAR follow this link: DC 2009 VO.pptx or Midyear 2009.ppt
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