If this is your first visit to my blog here are a few tips to make it useful.
1. I update the blog frequently and try to keep a running commentary on a few topics of interest to me: strategic planning, leadership and performance evaluation. My target audience is CEOs or those aspiring to executive leadership in business, associations and government. Be sure to consult the directory of previous posts to see the topical threads I'm running.
2. Every so often, I gather up the content of my posts and put it together as a news letter called, "Notes from Duke's Casebook." Back editions for the last six years can be downloaded from my website www.pnwconsult.com/page6.html

3. There are a lot of useful background materials in the form of papers I've written, presentations I've given and examples of work also to be found at the website. If you want more about me, Pacific Northwest Consulting Services and the work I've done as a consultant, teacher and scholar check out the main page of my website http://www.pnwconsult.com/
1. I update the blog frequently and try to keep a running commentary on a few topics of interest to me: strategic planning, leadership and performance evaluation. My target audience is CEOs or those aspiring to executive leadership in business, associations and government. Be sure to consult the directory of previous posts to see the topical threads I'm running.
2. Every so often, I gather up the content of my posts and put it together as a news letter called, "Notes from Duke's Casebook." Back editions for the last six years can be downloaded from my website www.pnwconsult.com/page6.html

3. There are a lot of useful background materials in the form of papers I've written, presentations I've given and examples of work also to be found at the website. If you want more about me, Pacific Northwest Consulting Services and the work I've done as a consultant, teacher and scholar check out the main page of my website http://www.pnwconsult.com/
Have a great time poking around here and, please, feel free to add your comments. I hope to inspire some new thinking on old topics.
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