The internet exploded overnight with news about the Mariner's possible trade of Jay Bruce which wasn't really news because anyone who has followed the team since last winter knows that a bunch of players acquired during the off season are likely to be traded by the July 31 deadline. I guess the fact that we're now in June and Bruce was in the headlines made the Phillies interest in a trade news’s worthy.
Maybe this news fired up Encarnacion, frequently mentioned as potential Mariner trade-bait. He hit two homers. Good advertising if you ask me. Maybe this will inspire some of the other tradable M vets to pad their resumes.
Seems early to get deep into this speculation. I'm not sure why any team, much less the Phillies would want to make this deal so early. I think a reporter was looking for a scoop and took what I suspect (and hope) are on-going discussions and puffed them up to mid-July urgency.
As for today's game. Milone started off rough, then settled and let his offense to catch up to tie 3-3. Then, same-old, same-old: lousy relief pitching and M's can't hit their was back.
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