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Monday, July 22, 2019

A disappointing finish

The old new Ms were on display yesterday, a wobbly start, too few hits too late.  Another loss, more Angel home runs.  Hardly recognizable as the same team that took perfect game into the ninth Friday.  After Edgar's induction and his moving, heartfelt speech in the morning, it almost felt like an insult to see them play such a poor game in the afternoon.  Kind of a let down.  I would have thought the excitement of Edgar's induction would have inspired the team, but it obviously didn't.

I want to support Servais... he's certainly been presented with a thankless task, navigating this team through this rebuilding season of many downs and few ups, but still I wonder.  Is this new team getting pushed hard enough to improve, to stop making the same dumb mistakes?  If they couldn't summon up enough passion to play full out on the day one of the team's iconic players was honored, will they ever?

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