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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Rabbit Rabbit

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I am a pretty superstitious person.  I take that stuff seriously, so much so I'll cover my ears if I'm about to hear a new one.  I've already got plenty to dictate the course of my daily life.  Many years ago I was making a purchase at the counter of Barnes and Noble.  When  I enquired the date to write a check, the clerk replied, "It's the first! Rabbit Rabbit!"  Puzzled I looked up and asked, "Huh?"  She went on to explain you had to start each month, every month with the exclamation, to which someone was expected to reply "Hare Hare!"  Thus it started and, along with a number of other goofy rituals, I pass it on to you.  Who knows, maybe this simple utterance will turn the M's around.

The trade deadline arrivzed and passed with minimal drama.  As Brock and Salk would say, "no news," among the options of good, bad or no news.  Leake's move was expected, as was Elias'.  The trade of Strickland was a typical July 31 surprise.  I thought we were going to get him back.  Elias had become an okay closer and Strickland was a proven product on his way hack from months on the IL.  I was looking forward to some saves what's left of the season.  Guess not.

The July 31 trade cutoff is always a little melancholy.  I get attached to players and it's hard to see them go.  I liked Leake.  It was a tough competitor and a smart pitcher.  He could throw a lot of different things and he knew how to mix them up.  He kept batters off balance with clever variations in speed and movement.  The trade to Arizona gives him a (low) chance a play-off game... he has certainly earned it.  But I'll miss him and his steady game.

The deeper sadness, however, comes from the inescapable, but hardly surprising, realization that as "sellers" in the trading market the Mariner’s season is over.  They're giving up.  We knew this not long after the 13-2 euphoria ended.  This season these games don't count.  You just hope people are learning things from these games that will pay off in a winning future.

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